Agent name : Jack Adams
Character Background : I was on a school trip abroad. I was always up to something but this time I went too far. My enemy was taunting me about how I was poor so I grabbed his collar and headbutted his face. My teacher was telling me off badly so I kicked her in the shin and leaped out of the bus. I grazed myself badly but I didnt care. I hated my life. My mum hit me regularly and my dad assaulted my Mum too. He got drunk lots. I didnt care if I never saw them again. I walked across the street to find a care home. I decided to ask if I could settle there. My school never came to get me and the same with my family. Nobody cared for me. I was only 6 then as well. I was known to be strong and thats why I think I got recruited at the care home.
I also knew some german too and I was quite clever as well.
Minecraft Username :jack_hart